7-Day Successful Global Health Trainer Program

7-Day Successful Global Health Trainer Program

$ 150.00

Learn the 8 steps of organizing a successful workshop and how to implement them to organize your first workshop. This program is ideal for first time trainers because you get the skills, tools and support every step of the way. You will learn how to identify training needs, design a workshop and facilitate the learning process. Then learn how to conduct the workshop yourself and also how to lead a team of trainers and organize and manage workshops that deliver tangible results. Learn how to measure improvement as a result of your training workshops, demonstrate the ROI and the impact on your organization’s bottomline. Through your successful workshops, you will lead your teams to reach its potential of building a winning team. This program is designed for first time trainers in the health industry, government, business or NGO sector. You will also learn how to justify the investment of resources in training and demonstrate how you build a high-achieving and high-performing workforce.  Participants learn how to organize a successful workshop and apply this new knowledge to actually organize and teach one!

Why would I add coaching to this course?

Training and Workshop Management *

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The “Successful Global Health Trainer” was designed to help you design and implement effective training programs and workshops that improve the performance of your trainees. You will learn the basics of effective training and in 7 lessons design a training activity. You will be supported as you conducted the training and give feedback to keep improving. In this program, you will learn how to:

  1. Identify training needs
  2. Develop workshop objectives
  3. Create the training curriculum of the workshop you will conduct
  4. Arrange workshop logistics
  5. Prepare lesson plans for each Unit
  6. Conduct the workshop
  7. Evaluate results, lessons learned and anticipate next steps to sustain new skill

You will learn how to use The RGH Learning System, a unique learning system that is based on continuous and never ending improvement cycles.  Here are the main steps you will follow in each lesson and that you will apply in your own successful trainings:

The RGH Learning System:

  1. See
  2. Understand
  3. Believe
  4. Model
  5. Act
  6. Measure
  7. Improve

In this program, you will “see” what the current situation is and determine if it is in line with what other believe was expected from your global health program or organization. You will gather information to understand what new knowledge and skills are needed and will plan how to help your trainees acquire that knowledge or new skills. You will model other trainers and use examples and to help your trainees to take action supported by your personal coach. You will measure how effective your training has been and identify areas to continue improving and keep getter better at training.

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