Improving Global Health Results: The Six Sigma Approach

Improving Global Health Results: The Six Sigma Approach

$ 150.00

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Errors abound in global health. In this program, you will learn how to use the Six Sigma Approach to reduce the errors in healthcare delivery and in global health projects and programs. You will learn to work at Six Sigma level, that is, you will be able to reduce errors to 3.4 per one million opportunities. That is Six Sigma Performance.

Here are some of the errors in healthcare delivery you will learn to correct. For example,  a mother misses her antenatal visit. Imagine how many lives you can save it that happened less than 3.4 times out of one million antenatal appointments.

Here are other errors you can significantly reduce using the Six Sigma Approach: a nurse-midwife does not follow up if a pregnant mother has decided to have a supervised delivery or if she is using the mosquito net she was given in the last appointment;  a malaria case does not get diagnosed using the rapid test or some other lab test; a patient with chronic cough is not tested and diagnosed for TB; a child’s diarrhea is not treated according to the latest approved standard treatment guidelines; or a child is examined but the provider does not wash his hands before doing it or does not use a mask. You know these errors and more  happen every day in health facilities all over the world. This program will help you make these errors a rare event.

There are also errors in global health projects and programs that prevent them from making a bigger impact. Here are some examples of errors you will learn to reduce significantly: not integrating family planning services in every healthcare delivery process to increase access; not having accurate indicators of progress that show how well the project is working and where corrections need to be made on a daily basis;   buying medical equipment and not ensuring that they are added to the facility inventory and managed properly; training staff and not ensuring the training is used and applied and their performance improves; or not ensuring the project interventions are sustainable after the project ends.

In this program you will learn how to ensure that every global health project and every healthcare delivery process is l designed and implemented in such a way that errors like those above will happen in less than 3.4 times per 1 million opportunities.

In this program, you will learn how to design global health projects, health interventions and services in a way that eliminates errors and missed opportunities to serve patients better.  You will learn and apply the Six Sigma Approach designed by RGH to reduce errors in your current position and improve the results you are achieving now in the following areas:

  • Maternal Health
  • Child Health, or
  • Quality of Healthcare Delivery
  • and your own area of expertise

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