RGH Thanksgiving Message – Thank You For Your Support

RGH Thanksgiving Message – Thank You For Your Support

RGH Thanksgiving Message – Thank You For Your Support

Hello, welcome to Realizing Global Health. My name is Dr. Elvira Beracochea. I am the president, CEO and founder of Realizing Global Health.  About 10 years ago, when I created the company, we called it MIDEGO because we believed that the best thing we could do in global health was to do our share to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. Now 10 years later, we have expanded that vision to go on to a much broader goal, which is to really realize global health and make a big impact. Also, to do our share and share our experience in a way that is going to have global impact. That is a very big mission and we are very honored to be able to fulfil it in this lifetime.

Today is Thanksgiving Day in the United States of America. I want take this opportunity to thank you for being with us, for taking time to watch these videos and to really do what you can to realize global health. It doesn’t have to be very big, but if every one of us does their share, we can really make a bigger impact when we all work together.

I want to also take time to thank you for your support and trust in us to help you realize global health.   I always start everyday by being thankful and thanking God. I am a religious person so I always thank God for the honor of being here, for allowing me to do this wonderful job and to help me be surrounded by wonderful people that really make RGH a wonderful place to work. It is an honor to work with them and I really want to thank my colleagues, students and family—particularly my wonderful husband for his support.

I ask you to also take some time today and every day to be thankful for the opportunity to be part of global health, to make a big impact in global health. I hope that today is a good day for you and that everyday can be a day for realizing global health.  I will see you next time for our next video. Until then, let’s stay thankful for the honor of helping realize global health!

Realizing Global Health a global health consulting and training company that works to develop self-reliant, sustainable health systems by partnering with governments, donors, implementing agencies, and individuals.