Building infrastructure to implement the 2030 Agenda

Building infrastructure to implement the 2030 Agenda

Aid Effectiveness in Global Health: Building infrastructure to implement the 2030 Agenda

Global Health, 2030

Health Infrastructure at Risk: Present and Future

It is 2015. In this day and age we should no longer have to tolerate old, dirty, and decrepit infrastructure in the health systems where we work. I refuse to accept that the type of healthcare we are expected to provide for HIV/AIDS, Ebola or TB patients, or any patient for that matter, has to take place in inadequate facilities. Infrastructure is of course only one aspect of the challenges facing any agenda to improve health systems worldwide. Nevertheless, it’s part of the health system that needs to be improved if we are going to make significant changes in the health system as a whole. So let’s raise the bar and create a future that respects human dignity and provides adequate facilities to provide standardized care. Health programs and services should not have to be delivered under these circumstances anymore. Below are my health infrastructure goals for 2030. Let me know if you make them your own too:

  1. I will advocate for the WHO to lead a global health goal of replacing and upgrading at least 10% of the world’s health facilities per year for the next 10 years.
  2. I will help ensure that every health facility manager has a copy of the standards its facility has to meet to be able to deliver quality healthcare and help develop a plan to implement the most immediate changes.
  3. I will work with the WHO leadership to upgrade and update their health facility standards of 1998 and update the “On Being in Charge” book about managing primary healthcare facilities that was written in 1992.
  4. I will work with the WHO representative in the countries where we work to help the country adapt the WHO health facility standards and develop a 10 year plan to repair, upgrade, or replace all its health facilities by 2030 or sooner.
  5. I will assist the countries where we work to collaborate with donors to find ways to fund their 10 year-plan and to repair, upgrade, or replace at least 10% of the facilities per year.
  6. I will advocate for Power Africa to bring electricity to every health center and hospital in Africa in 10 years or less.
  7. I will advocate for the UN to set the global health goal of having clean running water in every health facility, functioning restrooms with hand basins for men and women, and hand basins in every patient area for health providers to wash their hands.

It’s already 2015 and it’s time to get back to basics. We are getting ready to set a new agenda for 2030 and the world leaders must realize we cannot end preventable deaths and have an AIDS free generation with facilities in the current condition. We must address now the fact that the health infrastructure is a health hazard in many places. I believe it is essential for the WHO and other donors to realize that the world cannot control epidemics and treat endemic diseases such as malaria and HIV/AIDS when health professionals are forced to work in these conditions.

I want to invite you to discuss infrastructure and other aspects of health care systems that need attention if we are going to meet any 2030 goals. Join us for a webinar to discuss the NEW role of donors at the RGH webinar entitled “Aid Effectiveness: Getting Back to Basics in Global Health.” Sign up below.

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Realizing Global Health a global health consulting and training company that works to develop self-reliant, sustainable health systems by partnering with governments, donors, implementing agencies, and individuals.