Quality Healthcare Delivers Peace

Quality Healthcare Delivers Peace

Quality Healthcare Delivers Peace

Realizing Global Health

Ensuring quality healthcare to all is the main responsibility of every global health professional whose job is more than a job; it is their life’s purpose. RGH is fortunate to work with great people who are among this cohort that work to progressively help realize the right to health for all, and in doing so, help develop our planet into a more just, peaceful and better place.

So if you work for a Ministry of Health somewhere, a US agency involved in global health, a foundation, an international organization, or your work impacts some healthcare delivery program, we believe you are also working for peace and we want to honor you today. We wish you a very peaceful and joyful New Year. You bring peace when you deliver the best results, and at the same time, you demonstrate compassion, tolerance, honesty, responsibility, fairness, kindness to yourself and others, control of your emotions, show a good measure of sense of humor and also have the integrity to peacefully stand for your principles and convictions when the time comes.

In fact, quality healthcare is the most democratizing and peace building activity we know. Providing quality healthcare helps all our families to thrive, and also helps them fulfill their life’s purpose and contribute to the world. When one of our loved ones is sick, we all have common enemies: sickness, inequality and poverty. Healthcare providers, doctors, nurses and all those that manage programs or facilities work to improve someone’s child or family get better and stay healthy. They deliver peace to others by helping when people are at their most vulnerable. We deliver peace because people trust us with their loved ones, with their children to keep them healthy and to get better when sick.

We believe that if we see someone’s child or parent in every person we meet, and focus on helping that person thrive, we forget our differences and find ways to save more lives and live in peace. In December 1914, the soldiers on both sides of trenches in World War One did just that. They laid down their weapons to celebrate Christmas. It was not planned; it just happened. We hope all of you continue to find the conviction to demonstrate compassion and kindness to others and to continue spreading peace. Let’s start now to deliver peace by doing all we can to keep everyone’s children healthy, and help those that are sick today.

Please let us know how you also deliver peace today. We are sure your story will inspire others to follow….



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Dr. Beracochea is a leader in global health, and aid effectiveness in development assistance. During her 25 plus years in the field, she has been a physician, international health care management consultant, senior policy advisor, epidemiologist and researcher, senior project and hospital manager, and professor to graduate and undergraduate students. Her passion is to develop programs that teach, and coach other health professionals to design solutions that improve the quality, efficiency and consistency of health care delivery.