7-Day Storyteller Program

Program overview:

Stories are a powerful and underutilized approach in global health. Stories work because they inspire, motivate and teach by appealing to our right and left brains, to reason and emotions at the same time. This program will help you treasure and use the storied you have gathered throughout your career. We know you have many important stories to tell that will share your experience in an effective way and even galvanize a new generation of global health professionals to step up. During the COVID-19 pandemic, storytelling has become a more important global health strategy. Many stories show the many weaknesses in our health systems. We must share these stories to show not only the problems, but the solutions we know that work and inspire action. Stories show how people work together and innovate to respond to COVID-19 and all the other health priorities. Let’s not forget those stories but share them to inspires all to follow and put an end to the pandemic and inequalities in health.

Who benefits from this program

Have you ever wondered why people, even after being trained and knowing what to do, don’t do it? The answer is lack of inspiration and motivation to change. This program benefits program and facility managers that need to keep their team performing at high levels and improving. Stories will them inspire, train and coach their teams and other staff by easily and simply showing them what to do and how. Even if you are skeptical and believe this is all a bunch of touchy-feely stuff, you will surprised by the art and science of  storytelling and the powerful influence your stories will exert on others you will learn in this program.

What you will learn

In this program, you will learn how to use fictional (aka parables) and non-fictional stories to share your vision of success and inspire action. You will learn how to use the The RGH Storytelling Method to craft your stories into useful tools to teach how to improve health outcomes. You will deliver a successful story and learn how to reach your audience and stimulate teamwork, improve program or facility performance and strengthen your health system. Below is a summary of the program content:

Day 1How to use stories in Global Health: The RGH Storytelling Method
Day 2How to choose the right type of story to tell: Storytelling goals and themes
Day 3How to tell stories to share your global health experience
Day 4How to tell stories to improve project, program or facility results
Day 5How to use stories to design interventions, and new projects or programs
Day 6How to tell stories when training and coaching health professionals
Day 7How to write, collect and share stories

Just notice the power of stories now. Stop reading this and tell someone: “Let me tell you story” and you will see how they pay attention to you what you will say next ! In fact, we are built to learn from stories. Our lives are a collection of stories of successes and failures that serve as examples or a warnings to others. Stories will help you communicate your vision and goals to colleagues and clients.

How the program works:

A week is the perfect unit of time to begin telling stories that help improve global health projects and programs and health service delivery. In this program, you will learn how to work differently and manage your day to achieve better results. Every day you will receive a lesson by email and an assignment for you to apply what you learned. You will read the lesson, think about it, and do something with what you just learned. After completing your daily assignment, you will send it back to your personal coach for feedback. Every week, there will be a lesson and discussion with Dr Elvira on Zoom so you can ask all your questions and share with other students. The Zoom meetings will be recorded so you can listen to the discussion and Q&A again if you missed something.

You will receive a certificate after you complete all assignments including a “Storytelling Success Plan.” In just 7 Days this program will help you ensure you can tell stories that help improve quality healthcare and deliver better results. You will get free weekly coaching for three months to implement your “Storytelling Success Plan” and advance your career as recognized effective global health storyteller!

Online programs follow an annual schedule. Please contact us to find out the date of the next program. At least five participants are required to start a program. An onsite live version of this program is also available. Please contact us at info@realizingglobalhealth.com for more information.

Fee: $150

Click below to schedule an appointment and find out if this program is right for you: